Gaming Android Boxes are plug and play on our Game Wizard arcade machines. It’s as simple as plugging in the HDMI and USB cables into our machines. Fully supports all retro gaming Android Boxes, and fully supports touchscreen games on any Arcooda touch screen machines.

Utilising Arcooda’s Game Wizard’s expansive capabilities, connect your Gaming Android Box and experience your favourite games in your customised arcade machine environment.

Instructions to Connect your Android Gaming Box into Any Game Wizard Arcade Machine

Step 1.
Inside your machine, check that your joystick control panel wiring is setup for console/PC play, and not set for Arcade/Jamma game play. (please check your manual for location).

Step 2.
After installing your gaming android box inside the machine, plug in the Machine HDMI cable into your gaming android box.

Step 3.
Plug in the Highway I/O board USB twin ended cable into your android box.

Step 4.
Change the front multimedia control panel set to PC. Depending on your machine configuration, the location of this switch will vary.


  • Game Wizard Panel Switch = PC
  • Hand Controllers Must Be Connected = No

  • Please Note: some games support console gaming setup, whilst other games are designed for PC gaming setup. Please use the Game Wizard control panel to switch between PC/Console to check what settings are best per game.

    Setup Instruction

    Android Gaming Box connection into Arcade machine
    Switch Setup for Android Box Arcooda Machine
    Joystick Setting for Android Box Arcade Machine